These Valais are our endgame!

We are not there yet but we are well on our way.


The Masters of Cuteness are HERE!

Be a part of bringing The Cutest Sheep in The World to the USA.

Make America Cute Again!

Valais Blacknose Sheep are known for their stuffed toy appearance and gentle dispositions. Valais Blacknose sheep originated in Switzerland and just recently were allowed into the US. We are participating in the breed up program which takes about 4 generations.

It all began a few years back when I saw this picture online. I instantly fell in love. I have raised Shropshires for over 25 years when I got my first at about age 12. However, I knew that I wanted this lamb. I began to research the breed and was extremely disappointed to find that they were not allowed into the US. I was extremely bummed and chalked up idea of owning one as a pipe dream.

However, a couple of years ago, I saw an article about a couple who had just received their first shipment of Valais semen. I was like, “What? Is this a joke?” I began to look into and found that they had just been okayed by the US for import. The rest is history.

Purebred Embryos Have now been allowed into the U.S. but we are continuing The Breed-Up Program.

We had our First F3 Ewe lamb Born in 2022


Alexander Is the Sire of Our First F1 lambs. He is Gorgeous, Don’t you think?